Another handy field code keyboard shortcut is Shift + F9 use this when you are positioned inside a field code to toggle between displaying the field code and displaying the results for this field code only.
Click-Here Blocks One way to harness field codes to help create smart documents is to use them for Click-Here blocks.
field codes not working in word
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To make one Click an area in the document where you want people to type some text, and • Choose Insert > Field• From the Categories dropdown list choose Document Automation • From the Field Names list choose MacroButton and click the Field Codes button in the bottom left corner of the dialog In the Field Codes area you should see the word MacroButton followed by some text.. These boxes help ensure that text is positioned correctly, and they provide a useful prompt for the user.. The field code you see is created inside a set of curly braces While it appears that you could type the curly braces on the keyboard to create your own field codes this is not the case, and these braces are special characters that can be inserted only by pressing the Ctrl + F9 key combination. Free Download Mozilla Firefox Browser For Windows 8

field code in word

word field codes not working

Remove the text and replace it with the following text so the Field Code looks like this: MACROBUTTON ClickHere [Type Recipient's name in here] Now click OK.. You can select whether field codes show in the document or not (disabling this is the preferable setting) and when to shade the fields: Never, Always or When Selected.. Some of Words most powerful features are hidden from view, and one of these is field codes.. A Click-Here block can be created using the MacroButton Word field If you see the date rather than the field code, press the Alt + F9 keyboard buttons simultaneously to toggle between displaying field codes and the field code results.. How to create an e-mail group on outlook for mac You may see todays date formatted in the style that you selected, or you may see a field code on the screen that looks something like this.. To manage how Word displays field codes, choose Tools > Options > View tab.. Selecting Always or When Selected may assist you in getting started with field codes and the shading won't display when you print the document.. While you may have encountered field codes when using mail merge, that's not the only task you can accomplish with field codes.. The ASK field sets up the bookmark you will use for entering text If you see the field code, press Alt + F9 so that you see just the prompt on the screen inside its square brackets. 518b7cbc7d